Do You Want Your Startup To Be Setup to Scale?

You need a Revenue Growth Engine that helps you move from early adopters to mainstream buyers.

What Is a Revenue Growth Engine?

Every company has a Revenue Growth Engine. It is the sum total of the processes, content, and technology that drives revenue growth. 

Most startups get so focused on hustling to sell the MVP and business model to early adopters that they forget to build a Revenue Growth Engine®. They feel the pain of not having an engine as the pool of early adopters dries up and the business struggles to accelerate into the mainstream.

Geoffrey Moore observed this devastating phenomenon in his classic book, Crossing the Chasm. You tap out the early adopters and then realize that what it took to sell to the early adopters is not what it takes to sell to the mainstream buyer.

I believe startups need to build a Revenue Growth Engine that allows the business to cross the chasm and accelerate into the mainstream market.

Why do startups struggle to transition to the mainstream market? Here are a few reasons.

(1) No Processes

In the early days, marketing and sales were based on hustle. Processes have not been thought through, documented, and communicated. New hires come onto the growing team and don't know what they are supposed to do or say.. 

(2) Irrelevant Content

The message you deliver to your early adopters is different that what the mainstream buyer wants. Early adopters are willing to take risks to have the latest thing. Mainstream buyers want to feel comfortable that you understand their business challenges and that your product or service has a proven track record to solve their problem.

(3) Unused Technology

CRM’s and other marketing technologies are not automated to drive process and share your content. Once again, everyone does their own thing which usually ends up being nothing.

The Good News

The good news is that you can build your company’s Revenue Growth Engine so you can transition from early adopters to mainstream buyers. When you do you begin to enjoy benefits like:

  • Exponential Growth by getting consistent results in both net-new and cross-sell revenue.

  • Ideal Clients that can have 20X, 30X or more potential revenue that average clients.

  • Consistent Results instead of the roller-coaster of sales.

  • More Net-New Revenue by engaging a target list of Ideal Prospects instead of trying to boil the ocean with a limited marketing budget and small sales team.

  • Increased Cross-Sell Revenue by implementing processes that create a client experience that set up conversations to buy more of your products and services.

  • Accountability by having processes to which you can hold marketing and sales accountable.

  • Lower Expenses by being able to do this with your internal team instead of continually having high-dollar marketing and sales consultants reinvent the wheel and do the work for you.

  • Faster Onboarding by providing new sales and marketing employees with the Owner’s Manual for your Revenue Growth Engine.

  • Clarity by understanding what components of your engine need to be upgraded or repaired.

"This all sounds good Darrell, but we have to run our business."

I get it You can’t shut it down to work on your engine. That’s why I created a program that allows you to upgrade your current growth engine without shutting it down.

With the Build Your Revenue Growth Engine program you (and your team) work together for one hour a week at your pace as I mentor you step-by-step through building your Revenue Growth Engine. Most companies choose to work on this one hour a week.

Here's What You Will Build

During this program you will get step-by-step guidance to build and optimize all of the components of your Revenue Growth Engine!


Exponential Revenue Growth Goals

You will set crystal clear goals based on the two drivers of revenue growth: net-new (number of clients) and cross-sell (revenue per client).


Ideal Client Profile

It’s not that you won’t sell to anyone who needs what you offer, but your team will narrow down a profile of your true Ideal Clients so you can focus your limited marketing and sales budget to get big results.


Focused Message Plan

The days of ineffective, watered-down content full of meaningless buzz-words are over. You’ll learn how to create a message that resonates with prospects and clients based on the outcomes they want to achieve.


Ideal Client Experience

You will create a client loyalty program that engages your ideal clients, makes them feel special, and sets the table to get them excited about conversations to buy additional products and services.


Outbound Marketing

Instead of waiting for random leads to come in you will create a marketing program that proactively engages with your Ideal Prospects.


Outbound Selling

Outbound Selling: Instead of hoping your salespeople are calling on Ideal Prospects you will build a coverage program that ensures your reps are consistently calling on your best future clients.


Client Management

From your onboarding process to quarterly business reviews your sales team will have a framework to consistently interact with the clients that have the most long-term potential.


Client Communication

Ongoing processes will ensure that your best clients hear from your company regularly with valuable ideas that can help them achieve their outcomes.



Throughout the process you’ll be integrating your existing (or new) marketing and sales technology and emerging Artificial Intelligence to automate your processes and make them measurable.

What You Get

Build Your Revenue Growth Engine is a comprehensive 12 month program to accelerate your revenue growth.


Build Your Revenue Growth Engine

Guided Weekly Action Kits to Build Your Engine

You can build your engine as you “fly the plane” by investing one hour a week. Each week you'll receive a guided workshop session that includes a short video, tools, templates, and FAQ's so you can work on the project immediately.

This is done at your own pace. If you hit a big order and get distracted, need to take a month off to move to a bigger office, (or want to trek to Everest Base Camp with other entrepreneurs), no worries. Just pick back up where you left off.



MONTHS 10-12
Optimize Your Engine

Quarterly Revenue Cadence

Once your Revenue Growth Engine is in place it's time to set in place a quarterly cadence where you will optimize your engine. Over this 90-day period you will establish key habits to maintain and optimize your engine including a quarterly revenue meeting, monthly deal analysis, and ongoing message improvement.


Live Performance Workshop Sessions

One of my favorite courses in high school was shop. For an hour every day I got to escape the classroom and get my hands dirty. Each Thursday afternoon we have performance shop time. You’ll get fresh ideas on how to incorporate new technologies like AI into your engine. You’ll also get a ton of ideas during hot seats where we lift the hood on a problem you or another company is having.


Helpful Feedback

Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees. As you create processes, content, and tools for your Revenue Growth Engine it's helpful to get input from a third party that's outside your business. You'll be able to get feedback on the items you create from the Revenue Growth Engine team along with peers you meet in other non-competing businesses.


Revenue Growth Engine Owner’s Manual

Your Revenue Growth Engine Owner’s Manual

All of your work gets documented and goes into your Revenue Growth Engine Owner’s Manual. This documents the core components of your engine. It’s perfect to hand to a new employee. It also gives you a reference guide when your engine needs work.

To make it tangible, your owner’s manual will be a literal three ring binder that you build out over the course of the program. At the end, you can have this binder duplicated to sit on the desks of your team to remind them of the processes, content, and technology you need.


Tools and Templates

Throughout the process you will get tools and templates to help speed up the process of building your growth engine.


Join Us for a Free Trek to
Mount Everest Base Camp!

We are currently inviting 12 participants in the Build Your Revenue Growth Engine Mentorship to join us for a trek to Mount Everest Base Camp!

Sound like fun? Click the button below to learn more!

This is NOT a Training Course

This is not an endless library of videos you will never watch. This is not a course where you take notes, put the binder on the shelf, and then continue doing what you were doing.

This program is a mentorship program.

My offer is to walk you step-by-step through the essentials that need to be in place so you can build your Revenue Growth Engine in the least amount of time possible.

Designed for Your Busy Life

If you are like most founders:

(1) You have a full schedule.

(2) You know revenue growth is critical for the success your business.

That's why I designed this program to be efficient.

It is geared for you to take action.

It allows you to take advantage of technology including Artificial Intelligence, to build your engine quickly.

Most importantly, it is designed to deliver results fast.

What is the Investment?

Companies pay $7,500 or more per month to engage with consultants to do this type of work. I know because my company has done engagements like this.

The investment to build your engine is: $21,000 plus a commitment to give part of your growth back to causes you care about.

The up-front commitment fee is $3,000 and the rest of the amount can be spread out over 12 monthly payments of $1,500.

Is This Worth It?

My goal is to help you put the processes, content, and technology in place to at least double your revenue and profit in the next 3 years.

What is that worth to you?

Here's an example:
If you have $1 million in revenue and $200,000 in profit, that’s an increase of $200,000 in profit a year ($2M over 10 years) for an investment of $21,000 and an hour a week.

Of course, there are other hidden costs of not having good processes, content, and automation.

For example, studies show that the cost of losing and replacing a sales rep is 75% of their quota. If you have a rep with a $500,000 quota and they leave, that's $375K in cost to find a new person, onboard them, and ramp them up. For $21,000 and a small investment of your time you can set your salespeople up for success so they stay. If you do have to replace one, they can get up to speed quickly.

How about the cost of not effectively cross-selling? Most of the companies I've seen could literally double and even triple revenue without adding an additional client by cross-selling more to their clients. This is literally millions of dollars in low hanging fruit.

I encourage you to do your own math. Is fixing this worth $21,000?

Does this make sense to you? If so, I invite you to apply for the program.

What's My Guarantee?

If you do the work, I will guarantee your results.

If you shop up and do the work to build your engine and don’t see at least 10X your $21,000 investment in revenue growth in the year following the program I will refund your money.

Of course, If you are not committed to making a consistent effort to grow your company, please do not apply for this program.

Apply Now

Invest a Few Minutes to See If You're a Fit

Your Role*
Your Current Annual Revenue*

Hey Darrell, Couldn't I Build Your Growth Engine By Myself?


Actually, you already have.

Every company has a growth engine.

My question is, "How is your current growth engine working for you?"

Look, you probably wouldn't have read this far if you were happy about your current revenue growth results.

I'm offering you a faster path.

Here are three reasons why I think you should take me up on the offer to help:

  • I will help you create a shortcut to results. By leveraging my insight you will have less experimentation and faster execution. Every month you kick the can on this compounds into hundreds of thousands or even millions over the next decade.

  • I will hold you accountable.

  • This program will create a cadence so you can actually get this done instead of kicking the can another year while your revenue fails to hit its full potential.

Copyright 2023, Revenue Growth Engine


+1 (501) 361-2412